You will be SHOCKED to find out what you are actually paying!

Your current Financial Advisor or Wealth Manager is likely charging you tens of thousands of dollars in fees you don't know about, because they are hidden. In this report we will show you exactly how much you are currently paying.


These hidden fees can be thousands or tens of thousands of dollars per year which can add up to millions of dollars over your investing lifetime. These unscrupulous advisors and institutions are getting rich on the hidden investment fees they are charging investors.

Investors Beware: You only know half of the story! Watch this video to learn more

Get Your Report Today - ONLY $500

Take control of the investment fees and charges you pay.
As an investor, you have no control over the markets. But you CAN control the fees and charges you pay. Let's be clear, these fees and charges are a HIDDEN bill. You are not getting the bill in the mail AND it is being charged and you are silently paying it. Do you understand the impact it is having on you?

Do yourself a favor. Instead of listening to more smoke and mirrors sales pitches from commission breath "Wealth Managers and Investment Advisors" on how to invest your money, watch this two-minute video. We can show you how to put thousands of dollars back in your pocket every year.
Get your Truth In Fees Transparency Report Today!
The Truth in Fees Transparency Report is a visual document that outlines the breakdown of where your money is actually going when investing – there is no hiding the numbers in this report. Consumers that use these “big named” financial planners to handle their investments are likely to be losing thousands of dollars due to paying hidden fees to their advisor! We began offering this service because we wanted to enlighten people about this problem in the financial industry. With saving these thousands of dollars every year, you can be reinvesting these savings and earning greater annual returns that would allow you to hit your retirement goals a lot sooner! Let us show you the advantages of choosing a financial advisor that charges a flat-fee rate.
Here's how it works...
 If you CLICK HERE to sign up, you'll initiate the process of scheduling a meeting that suits your convenience. Once the details are arranged, our team will conduct a comprehensive analysis of your investments, providing you with a detailed report that highlights both disclosed and hidden fees. Our goal is to offer you a transparent overview of where your money is allocated and the potential growth opportunities you may be missing out on. With our service, we ensure complete transparency by showcasing the fees you're currently paying and presenting the value you should be receiving, tailored to your specific requirements.
The truth of the matter is...
You are most likely losing thousands of dollars every year because of hidden charges in your investments. Don’t believe me? Look at what the media is saying:

“Canada is ranked among the worst in fees for financial products” – Globe & Mail

“Canadians still in the dark about investment fees despite major changes in disclosures” - Clare O’Hara – Wealth Management reporter 

In 28 years of practice I have never met a prospect who can clearly articulate what their investment fees are. In my interactions with investors who seek my advice, I have observed with an overwhelming consistency that the vast majority of people are completely unaware of all the hidden fees that are buried inside the financial products they own. Some even tell me that they believe that there are no fees, that the investment services are free! (Never true!) What seem like small numbers…when compounded over your lifetime…become huge numbers. So, what seem like tiny decisions at the time, are actually million-dollar decisions.
These hidden fees can add years or decades to the time it takes for you to reach your financial goals. They can be thousands or tens of thousands of dollars per year which can easily add up to millions of dollars over your investing lifetime. Unscrupulous advisors and institutions are getting rich on the hidden fees they are charging you.  

    Recently, I facilitated a workshop entitled, “Stop Paying HIDDEN Investment Fees” to provide value and clarity to the community. For a small fee, attendees were given the opportunity to receive their own “Truth in Fees Transparency Report”. The sole purpose of this report is to clearly outline the TOTAL FEES paid within your investments and the massive IMPACT these fees have towards the achievement of your goals. This is a report you will never get from your Financial Advisor, Investment Firm or Wealth Management Firm, because they are the ones hiding the fees from you!

    At the workshop I met a couple who was working with a big-name wealth management firm for the past 20 years. They had investments of approximately $2.5M. We determined they were paying over $51,000 per year in fees for Money Management alone. (No Financial Planning advice). Yet, they were convinced they were only paying $25,000 since that number was clearly highlighted on their Annual Charges and Compensation Report. What was missing from their report were all the hidden fees inside each individual investment (cost of money management), which more than doubled their total fees. Wow what a shocker! Their report only disclosed a fraction of their fees, specifically the amount paid to the wealth management firm for the cost of advice. 

    We illustrated how they could easily reduce their fees from $51,000 per year to $18,300 per year, savings them a whopping $32,700 per year!!! But wait, there is more! We calculated that by investing their savings at 5% over 30 years, they would have an EXTRA $2,202,780 in their pocket!! 

    What would YOU do with an additional 2 million dollars? 

    This practice is rampant. Last week I received a phone call from a retired gentleman from Ontario.


    What SHOULD I be Paying and Are you a Fiduciary?

    He thought he was paying 1.4% in total fees when, in fact, he was actually paying another 1.1% in investment management fees for a total of 2.5% on his $900,000 in savings. 

    A fiduciary is legally obligated to work in the best interests of the client. As his fiduciary, I explained how he could easily reduce his fees from $22,500 per year to $10,800 per year. His savings invested at just 5% over 30 years means another $777,335 in his pocket!! That’s nearly the size of his current portfolio. 

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